Sunday, May 15, 2016

Let's go take a walk ...

We like to go for walks. Wandering around the neighborhood in the early evening, maybe running an errand on foot, maybe walking to the lookout, maybe walking to the record shop ...

Having a destination -- a purpose -- always makes the walks seem more, well, more useful. But we don't really need to walk to the record store more than once a week, sometimes we don't want to just meander, and sometimes the 4 miles to the lookout and back just seems too much. 

So we decided to combine the two... by planning a walk to a pub. But which pub? I sat down with Google maps centered on our house and searched for "pub" within a roughly 3-mile radius as the crow flies from Camp Wil-Sun. Sure, we had been to a lot of them. But we hadn't been to even more of them. Add in "bar" and "brewery" and "tavern" and "taproom" and suddenly, we had a LOT of locations. Even after editing out places that are restaurants first but have a bar inside, we still had over one hundred locations. Within three miles, give or take a few hundred yards. Of our house. 

Clearly, this was a project to be reckoned with. 

And if there's a project, there must be a blog. So here it is. This blog will capture our "A Walk to the Pub" project -- where we have walked to, and what we thought about what we found there.

Look, we're not beer aficionados, nor are we particularly serious barflies. But we like having a destination at the end of our walk ... so this seems to make sense. 

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